May 22, 2009

Discussing Issues and Fear of Man

Two articles today talk about similar things: how you stand for what’s right even when you may be misunderstood.  It’s interesting how they define the common root of the bad ways we try to handle this as pride.

Here’s a paragraph from First Things (HT: Andy Naselli)

We are all proud. Because I’m proud I get hurt when people disagree with me strongly. Because I’m proud I feel the need to give thirteen qualifications before I make an argument, not usually because I’m a swell guy but because I love for people to love me and loathe for them to dislike or misunderstand me. Because I’m proud I hedge my criticisms so that I won’t have to publicly repent and recant when I go too far and get something wrong. Because we’re proud, protectors of self more than lovers of truth, we often don’t discuss things with candor or with verve.

Read the rest here: FIRST THINGS: On the Square ? Blog Archive ? Defining Discourse Down.

Bob Bixby,  a pastor, makes a similar point:

I know a leader that nurtured the reputation of humility. His personality was hardwired to be laid back and calm, and he was a true Christian in many ways. But his own reputation for humility did him in. He never could confront his own children, his church shriveled under his leadership, and he always — always — chose the “peaceful” option to resolving problems which really was a way to dodge hard issues when his reputation for being a “peace lover” (preserving the “board” and “fellowship”) and a “man of humility” might have been jeopardized. He was a preservationist. He was all about preserving himself, his board, and his association. I began to realize that he had the most gracious pride I had ever seen.

You can read the rest here.

Pride, as a part of our sinful nature, is so devious.  Let’s practice discipleship that fears God and obeys Him, being gracious but standing for righteousness.

#conflict #pride