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Luke 11

Luke 11:1  Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.”

The leaders of Israel loved ritualism (v. 38).  Jesus fought ritualism.  They were about appearances (v. 39).  Jesus was about the heart.  Jesus sets out a different way to pray than what they were modeling (18:9-12).   When asked by John’s disciples for teaching, He doesn’t say “repeat after me.”  He gives a model of prayer instead.

Worship His name

Pray for His work in people

Depend on His daily provision

Confess sin

Trust His grace in fighting sin

How do I pray?  For me at times, prayer becomes more about the list and less about the communion.   Jesus says it’s about communion.  It’s about dependence upon God as a child looks to his Father.   It’s about bold intercession.

Jesus follows with a parable about persistence.  What I love about this parable is the word Jesus uses in v. 8 to describe the action of the friend toward his neighbor.  The ESV translates it “impudence” or literally “shamelessness.”  I relate.  I’ve had to ask favors of friends when I knew I was imposing but I had no choice.  I was desperate.  How do I approach God on behalf others?  Am I desperate?  When a brother or sister has a need, do I desperately, shamelessly persist on their behalf?  Or do I hold back and pray modestly for them so I don’t ask too much of God?  How do I approach God on behalf of myself?  Jesus is saying, “come boldly, come often, come big.”  The end of the discourse is the best, “how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”  What are you waiting for?


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