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Luke 18

Luke 18

This week Kristen VanDerWeide is commenting on the readings. Enjoy her thoughts! – Pastor Will

The heart. Jesus takes away my defenses, my words, my actions and looks at my heart. The Pharisee stood up to pray and thanked God that he was better than all the sinners. The tax collector stood at a distance and simply asked God to have mercy on him. His heart, the tax collector’s, was God’s. He did not presume on God’s grace, but called himself a sinner and humbled himself.

When the rich ruler came to ask Jesus how he could inherit eternal life, he was confident he had done everything right. He had followed the law since he was a child, but his heart belonged to his wealth. He was not willing to give it up to follow Jesus.

The blind beggar called out to Jesus to have mercy on him. When Jesus asked what he wanted, all he asked for was to see. Jesus told him his faith had healed him. He knew Jesus could heal him, his heart was in the right place.

Where is my heart? Am I thankful that I am not “one of those sinners”, or do I come to God overwhelmed by His mercy? Does my heart belong to God or to things?  Is sight the only thing I would ask for, the only thing I would need, if Jesus asked me what I wanted?


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