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Proverbs 21

This chapter emphasizes lifestyle and the results of various ones. It starts with the reminder that God weighs our motives while we consider only our outward behavior usually.   He’s also more concerned with doing good to our neighbor than in getting our religious rituals done.  This is a great reminder when considering our own lifestyle choices.  God is watching our hearts and whether we understand His heart.

Some clear wisdom:

Pride as a lifestyle will bring your destruction.

Diligence is better than haste (always trying to get things done quickly or by a deadline).

Lying will bring destruction.

Picking a wife who quarrels will lead to a lifestyle of isolation.

Miserliness will lead to want.  Generosity leads to wealth.

Laziness and pleasure lead to death.

Social justice will bring life and honor.

It’s all wrapped up in the fact that this is God’s world.  He will bring about just outcomes.  Fear Him and trust Him.


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