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Acts 20

The Eutychus law was enacted in the first century, prohibiting churches from holding services on the third floor of a building unless all windows were closed and limiting sermons to forty-five minutes. This law was brought about by the story of Eutychus in Acts 20, who could not keep his eyes open while Paul, in the words of Luke, “talked on and on”.  Even after Eutychus died, Paul paused only long enough in his sermon to resurrect him and eat some food. This of course is written tongue-in-cheek, but the story and the remainder of the chapter spoke to my heart. Paul was in a hurry. He spoke until daylight, then continued on his journey. When the ship stopped in Miletus, he sent for the Ephesian church elders rather than stopping in to see them in Ephesus itself. Verse 24 explains his urgency. “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” Paul was in a race. He wanted to proclaim the gospel to as many people as he could before he died. He had no time to stop, no time to think about other things. He had one mission: spread the Word. If that meant going without sleep, if that meant preaching in synagogue after synagogue, if that meant singing hymns to his fellow prisoners, if that meant going to Jerusalem to his death, he would do it. How focused am I? Do I know the task God has given me? Am I willing to stay on task? What things distract me? Am I willing to keep on sharing the gospel?


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