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CrossRoad Friday in Prayer for Small Groups, Lighthouse, & ABFs

Please pray and offer praise for… LCF Graduates, leaders and students

  1. Praise God with us for a job well done by our students. May they look to Him for directions and be transformed by HIs word.

  2. They ask you to continue to join in prayer that God would raise up new leaders, those who would love God and lead others and love them well. 

  3. Pray that as our students find joy in growing in their walk with God this summer and invite Him into the daily details.

CrossRoad International Fellowship (CIF) team offers praise for answered prayer as their Bible discussion is ONLINE and small groups have been formed

  1. Please pray for the ongoing Bible studies that will take place online through the summer. Pray as unsaved family members overhear these studies while in the same house.

  2. Pray our Small Group Bible studies would encourage deep relationships that abide in Jesus, and bearing fruit in sharing this joy of ministry with those that are outside of our groups.

Pray for our Lighthouse Ministries

  1. Lighthouse Joe Truniger, Temi and Tori Agbaje

  2. CrossRoad International Fellowship George & Dottie Hatfield

  3. LIFE John and Marissa Sharbaugh

  4. CrossWalk Dave and Becky Knudson

Pray for our Small Groups:

  1. Nick and Carol Bal

  2. Pastor Will and Amy Hatfield

  3. Pastor George and Dottie Hatfield

  4. Dave and Jen Hyman

  5. Dave and Becky Knudson

  6. Daniel and Laura Park

  7. Tim and Krisdyn Stearns

  8. Nate and Sarah Teed

Pray for our Adult Bible Fellowships:

  1. Dave Knudson

  2. Jed Royce

  3. Mallory Parmerlee and Caleb Wood

  4. Bill McKim and David Fee

  5. Kristen Van Der Weide

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