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CrossRoad Monday in Prayer for Ministry Teams

Praises and prayer requests… ~Pray for our AV techs as they rely on God in their work behind the scenes and work through the technical complexities involved in preparing for and serving during the service.

  1. Praise God with us for their knowledge and attentiveness as they provide support for Pastor, Jed and the worship team.

~Pray for our missionary teams.

  1. Offer with us praise to God for the ways they keep the missionaries needs before us in this rapidly changing landscape,

  2. Pray for God’s leading, as like Paul in the book of Acts, many are being redirected by God from going where they had planned, where significant plans have changed and they are trusting the Holy Spirit in leading them differently.

~In joy, thank God with us for the children’s leaders and teachers who each week are coordinating efforts to reach families in effort to share God’s faithful promises in writing, video and through the mail. 

  1. Pray for those children who come from a variety of backgrounds that make hearing God’s word more difficult: broken families, single parent homes, parents that don’t attend church.

  2. Pray for children as they develop spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically during this time.

  3. Pray as we present God’s greater purpose in our struggles, and at a time as this, that some may come to know Christ and that each would grow in their faith.

~Pray the ministry of CrossWalk, during these changing COVID-19 days, is a beacon of light to those in need. 

  1. Pray as counselors care for people in counseling and guide them in life-changing care, praying God to meet specific needs.

  2. Pray for those who need to yet find this counseling center at the Lighthouse.

~Our Munchkins & Mayhem leaders ask that you pray for the four visitors and their little ones. In the absence of regular visits, pray as some outreach efforts are made.  

Pray for our ministry teams:

  1. AWANA Cubbies Vanessa Smith, Sabrina Gogerty

  2. AWANA Sparks Lindsay Bulinski

  3. CrossRoad KIDS Michelle McKim, Amy Hatfield

  4. CrossRoad Kids Discover Nate & Sarah Teed

  5. CrossWalk Counseling Dave & Becky Knudson

  6. High School Youth Group David & Pamela Speed

  7. Middle School Youth Group Keith & Tamre Nemec

  8. Missions Sally Logsdon

  9. Nursery Sabrina Gogerty

  10. Preschool Nadja Hanson

  11. Sound A/V Bob Houg, Matt Hanson

  12. Women’s Ministry Kristen VanDerWeide and Laura Park


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