Pray for our doctors, nurses, researchers and their staff that while they toil and labor long hours, God would give them the health and energy they need, and that many may question the meaning of life and turn toward Christ in an understanding of repentance and faith. Pray many will desire a greater salvation from our current health crisis, one of eternal salvation in Christ.
Pray we may see the unique needs of our neighbors and love and serve them when able, to offer encouragement and support.
As we have the opportunity through media and word, pray we are able to use these gifts to share the sufficiency of Christ to save mankind from sin and the need for faith in Christ alone.
Pray during this time that we all depend on God to supply for our daily needs and share this hope we have from our Jehovah-Jireh to others in the community and world.
Our Global Missionaries
Lee & Violet Abuhl
Andrew & Wanda Barnes
Tim & Andrea Blazer
Manning & Jennifer Brown
Carol Bond
Jon & Holly Boyd
Tim & Rochell Brudtkuhl
Wayne & Shanna Dale
Heidi Davis
Ron & Claudine Glynn
David & Annette Haag
George & Dottie Hatfield
Jon & Jennifer Jenks
Jim & Julie Leonard
Scott & Marti Owen
Don & Betty Ross
John & Marissa Sharbaugh
Lynell Smith
Norman & Susan Smith
James& Christen Taylor
Mark & Jennifer Tylavsky
Frank & Alves Weirman
Stephen & Jan Wivell
Agency Partners
Alpha Women’s Center
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches – GARBC
Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches – IARBC
Iowa Regular Baptist Camp – IRBC
Lighthouse Campus Fellowship – LCF
Lighthouse International Fellowship – LIFE