One of the blessings of being in Iowa is Iowa Regular Baptist Camp. It’s a great place to get away from the world and have fun and fellowship in a relaxing atmosphere. I went up for the first time as an adult last week with my family. My father-in-law was the evening speaker and it’s always a joy to be with them. We got the privilege of enjoying the Retreat Center with its central air-conditioning. But more we got to enjoy food from God’s Word and the refreshment of a fun time with family. In some ways it’s an ideal vacation. The food’s all taken care of, the kids are taken care of in the morning, and you don’t have to travel every other day.
Personally, I enjoyed the soccer game Saturday night, golf on Sunday, and swimming with my kids throughout the week (which right now consists of towing them through the water in various positions). Â We won the 3 on 3 basketball tournament and the squinny ball tournament
(you have to see it to believe it). But more importantly I got to reexperience the grace of being with family, not just my extended family but an extended church family that extends across Iowa, seeing old acquaintances and making new ones. That’s grace because it’s all of God and how he’s worked in people’s lives in this area. Seeing that love for Him is grace to me because it encourages me to keep on fighting the battle to see God work in other’s lives. His grace amazes me in the lives of people you run into: how God is working in them and the desire for Him that’s keeps on growing in their hearts.  His grace is also seen in the staff’s lives. Their joy in serving you is very evident and their love in being there is also. Hopefully you can make it next year if you didn’t this year!