From the book How People Change by Tim Lane and Ted Tripp
HEAT:Â What is your situation?
           Bad Root: What do you want and believe? (What are your idols?)
           Reap: What are the consequences?
           Bad Fruit: How do you react?
CROSS:Â Who is God and what does he say and do in Christ?
           Good Root: Seek God in repentance and faith
           Reap: What are the consequences?
           Good Fruit: Respond with love.
“Take an opportunity to examine yourself in light of these things. Think first about why suffering tends to surprise us. Ask yourself, What assumptions do I tend to make about suffering, and how do they increase the pain I experience? Here are some common false assumptions:Â
Do you tend to minimize how painful life can be?
Do you expect life to be free of trouble? (This often happens when we think we lead a good life compared to others.)  Â
Do you tend to think of good things and bad things as completely separate experiences?  In reality, difficulty is often hidden in blessing, and blessing is found in difficulty.  Â
Do you expect the good things you have to be permanent?   Â
Do you live as if you are invincible, thinking that you will have the wisdom and strength to avoid or endure suffering? Are you surprised when you don’t? Â
Are you trusting your life to modern technology’s apparent ability to protect or rescue us? (Or your insurance, money, etc.?)   Â
Do you place undue confidence in your ability to control your life, mistakenly assuming that you can manage your way out of suffering?â€Â “
Where is the Heat in your current situation? Â
What pressures do you regularly face? Â
What are your God-given opportunities?Â
What are your everyday responsibilities?     Â
Where are you facing difficult circumstances? Â
What temptations are you facing?      Â
Who are the difficult people in your life?         Â
What unexpected blessings have you received?      Â
In what situations do you feel alone or misunderstood?  Â
What challenges does the value system of modern culture present?   Â
In what areas do you feel overwhelmed by the things “assigned†to you?            (blessing or difficulty?) Â
What are the places you are tempted to hide from or avoid?       Â
What situations tempt you to say you are okay when you are not?    Â
What is the hardest experience of your past?  Â
What is your greatest fear about the future?â€Â
           “What are your Thorns? (Complaining, laziness, anger, envy, lust, bitterness, avoidance, pride, indifference, hard words, blame, judgmental spirit, greed, lack of self-control, and so on.) Â
Where do your actions and responses fail to demonstrate the Fruit of faith? Â
In your current situation and relationships, how are you responding of faith?
Where are you experiencing the consequences of your responses?
Where have you slacked off?          Â
When have you given in to anger and envy?          Â
Where have you quit doing what God says is good?          Â
To whom have you spoken unkindly?          Â
Where have you blamed others?          Â
When have you accused God?          Â
Are you dealing with your feelings by doing unhealthy things (too much eating, spending, or working; escaping with too much TV or too many novels; too much emphasis on things like clothing, appearance, houses, cars)?â€