Luke 16
This week Kristen VanDerWeide is commenting on the readings. Enjoy her thoughts! – Pastor Will
Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.
You cannot serve both God and money. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God’s sight.
What struck me about this chapter was the theme of eternal values. Using my money to further the gospel, using my resources for God’s glory. The Pharisees sneered at Jesus for telling them that they were failing at trying to serve two masters, God and money. Am I a Pharisee? Are my worries about having enough money serving money itself? Is the time I spend thinking of all the things I would like to buy serving money? And the things I buy with money, is it for God’s glory or my own?
Lazarus had little. He longed to eat what fell from the rich man’s table. He had no home, only a place by the rich man’s gate. Yet, when he died, he was carried by angels to Abraham’s side. He who had little was trusted with much. He who had nothing on earth was given everything in heaven. The rich man, however, with a glorious life on earth spent an agonized eternity just wanting the tip of Lazarus’ finger to cool his tongue. He who had much, in the end, wanted very little. What am I valuing? How am I spending my life, waiting for morsels but knowing there are better things to come? Am I living for today, as if this is all there is? If I can’t take it with me, I should be using what I have for God’s glory, inviting Lazarus to sit at the table with me.