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Proverbs 22

Proverbs is such a great reminder of what is truly important in very practical situations.  One of the most remembered verses is vs. 1.   Your reputation is more important than wealth.  Anyone who has had a spoiled reputation knows this.

A key theme in this chapter is wealth.  God makes both the rich and poor and so both should view how they treat one another from that perspective.  God is the one who gives wealth.

Things that bring wealth: humility and the fear of the Lord, generosity, not borrowing, purity of heart, self-discipline, skill.    Only one of these isn’t something you can always possess if you trust in the Lord.  True wealth is found in knowing and following Him.

Proverbs assumes we will be self-motivated by the things that will be good for us.  It directs that motivation to a trust and reverence for God.  How are you doing at that?


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