The one chapter from a woman to her son emphasizing wisdom – knowing what to do with men and act as a king as well as what to look for in a wife.
She starts by reminding her son of their relationship. She is treating him as a person, as the son of her womb, and as the son of her marriage. Therefore she has responsibilities because of all three to instruct him to act wisely.
She talks about what he should invest in as a man – not the things which destroy but to those which build up. There are 2 negative dangers and 1 positive thing he should pursue. The first negative danger is women (obviously getting into relationships outside of marriage). She’ll address this later. The second danger is alcohol. She tells him it’s good for medicinal and psychological healing for others but that as a king he should have a higher calling than feeling better. It is to seek justice for the oppressed. That should be the highest joy as a king. This is what he should pursue with his life.
To help with this he should find an excellent wife: one he can trust who works hard, makes wise financial decisions, prepares for the future, helps the poor and ultimately is one who fears God. This is the kind of woman to invest in heavily as he will then be able to be a good and wise king as well as a happy one.